Efficient Solution
Modern Patient

Zero-Cast F1x, a purpose-built solution crafted for the treatment of various fingertip injuries, ranging from crush injuries to bent fingertip conditions such as Mallet injuries.
Experience the tailored design of Zero-Cast F1x, created to address the unique challenges posed by fingertip injuries. Whether it's a crush injury or a Mallet injury causing bending, Zero-Cast F1x provides specialized support to facilitate effective recovery. Elevate your healing journey with the precision and care embedded in the design of Zero-Cast F1x.
Zero-Cast F1x is designed for easy application, with clear, easy-to-follow instructions provided to guide you through the process.
Designed to Enhance Your Healing Experience
Crafted for Today’s Patient: Clinically Effective and Precise
Free Finger Tip
Away from Site of Injury
Preditable Stabilisation of Finger Joint

Innovative Design, Engineered for Clinical Performance
Anatomically contoured plates to achieve extension at the IP joint/clinical outcome.
Breakable ratheted legs to adjust pressure
Waterproof high density cushion lining
Ventilated open design

Suitable for
Mallet Finger
Mallet finger is an injury to the thin tendon responsible for straightening the end joint of a finger or thumb. When this tendon snaps, the fingertip remains bent and cannot be straightened.

Finger Tip Injuries
Fingertip injuries can occur from crushing, door accidents, hammer strikes. These incidents can damage the skin, bone, nail bed, tendons, and pulp. Splinting is essential for healing bone fractures in the fingertip.