Application, Indications & Clinical Papers for Zero-Cast Wx
Zero-Cast Wx Application
The Zero-Cast company provides an excellent range of clinical support tools that allows clinicians, technicians and therapists to quickly learn the easy Zero-Cast Wx application-steps.
Contact your local sales distributor to obtain additional information.
Application Tutorial
Animation (short 1m.15s)
Detailed Application Video (3 minutes)
The clinical application of Zero-Cast Wx is demonstrated in the following video.
Paediatric Indications Zero-Cast Wx
Paediatric Distal Radius +/- Ulna Fractures
The majority of Greenstick & Buckle fractures are suitable for treatment with Zero-Cast Wx.
More Complex Paediatric
Displaced & Physeal Fractures
Clinicians should exercise caution while listed-indication is under further clinical investigation. Careful use with discretion is advised.
Adult Indications - Zero-Cast Wx
For the treatment of Adult Distal Radius Fractures +/- Ulna Fractures
Extra-Articular Undisplaced Distal Radius Fracture
Suitable For Zero-Cast Wx Treatment
This segment details the largest volume of DRF indications. These are suitable for Zero-Cast Wx treatment.
Extra-Articular Displaced Distal Radius Fracture
Zero-Cast Wx Treatment - Use with CAUTION
Zero-Cast Wx ongoing clinical evaluations are underway for these indications. Clinical use with cautionary-discretion is advised.
Intra-Articular Displaced Distal Radius Fracture
NOT Suitable For Zero-Cast Wx Treatment
Likely candidates for surgical treatment
How to apply (instructions)
The attached Application Instruction Poster is available for download. Please note the enclosed information is for use by clinicians in the application, adjustment or removal of Zero-Cast Wx.
Zero-Cast Wx Device Adjustment & Removal
Patients should return to their clinic for removal of their Zero-Cast device.
Patients should NOT remove or adjust their own Zero-Cast device. Only a trained healthcare professional with Zero-Cast training & the correct equipment can adjust or remove the device.
In an EMERGENCY and if unable to return to the clinic where the device was applied - please see a trained healthcare professional and if the device requires emergency removal, the ratchet legs can be cut using plaster shears or a plaster saw.
Emergency Removal
Please follow instructions provided here.
Reimbursement L-Codes Zero-Cast Wx
(PDAC Letter)
An official code verification letter is available (download link adjacent) for the listed Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code(s) for billing the four Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors (DME MACs) as applies for USA reimbursement.